Sri Sri Awards

Sri Sri Award for the best nurse teacher aims to recognize and honor educators who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in nursing education. This award contributes to the promotion of excellence in nursing education, inspire other educators, and highlight the importance of quality teaching in the nursing profession. 


The following are the eligibility requirements for the Best Nurse Teacher Awards:

  1. Candidates are full-time permanent faculty members
  2. The Institution where the candidate serves must be affiliated to Govt/INC/SNC/ University
  3. They have completed a minimum of 10 years of consecutive /active service in the field of teaching (as a permanent faculty prior to the date of the award).
  4. They are less than 60 years of age.
  5. Any person who has authentic knowledge of the teacher’s contribution in the field of education may nominate the teacher for the award by providing the details mentioned in the guidelines.
  6. Past winners of this category award from our Organisation are not eligible to apply.
  7. Anyone who provides false or misleading evidence will be barred from the competition for life.
  8. An award granted on the basis of false and misleading evidence will be withdrawn.



You may download and upload the application form through the link below:

You may fill in the basic details and upload the application form above.

You may write to or Call 9875588983  to seek clarifications

 Note: Last date for receiving entries is 31st December 2023.