Founded by
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The source and force behind
and beyond all our efforts!
and beyond all our efforts!
The source and force behind and beyond all our efforts!

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a globally revered spiritual and humanitarian leader. He has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society. Through a myriad of programs and teachings, a network of organizations including the Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values, and a rapidly growing presence across 180+ countries, Gurudev has reached an estimated 450 million people. Gurudev has developed unique, impactful programs that empower, equip and transform individuals to tackle challenges at global, national, community and individual levels.
He believes that “Basic human values need to be encour- aged in the classroom. A child is born with these values and a teacher needs to uncover them. What are these human values? Compassion, Co-operation, friendliness, smiles, laughter, lightness, wanting to help, a sense of belonging and caring for each other.”
Through his initiatives and addresses, Sri Sri has consistently emphasized the need for reinforcing human values and recognizing humanity as our highest identity beyond nation, faith and gender. Fostering interfaith harmony, bridging communal divides and calling for a multi-cultural education as the remedy for fanaticism are a significant part of his efforts to achieve sustainable peace on our planet. Each of our institute is based on this philosophy and is imparting education to thousands, so as to create a better society.